Pray With Your Feet, Share With Your Feed


From My54

Follow us @my54org on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Every day we will provide our daily intentional Think, Do, and Listen, as well as inspirational messages from fellow participants working on their 54!

  • Example questions of the day (“Think”)

    • What is your 54?

    • What does “good trouble” mean to you?

  • Example actions of the day (“Do”)

    • Register to vote

    • E-mail an elected official on an issue important to you

    • Fill out the census

  • Historical facts about the Movement, Lewis and Vivian

From You!

More importantly, this is a coalition of individuals and organizations, and we hope for people around the country to share their own story about My54. Make sure to use the #my54challenge hashtag!

  • Share our social squares and make them your own

    • We will post a collection of social squares on our feed with key messages, or interactive images that can be made personal in an Instagram Story

  • Take photos of you and your team , the sweatier the better!

  • Tell the world how much you’ve walked/run/biked!

  • Record a video and talk about what your intention is as you walk

  • Share your workout map and include the hashtag

  • Create physical or performance art!

Use our social squares on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

What We’re Saying on Instagram