Pray With Your Feet, Share With Your Feed
From My54
Follow us @my54org on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Every day we will provide our daily intentional Think, Do, and Listen, as well as inspirational messages from fellow participants working on their 54!
Example questions of the day (“Think”)
What is your 54?
What does “good trouble” mean to you?
Example actions of the day (“Do”)
Register to vote
E-mail an elected official on an issue important to you
Fill out the census
Historical facts about the Movement, Lewis and Vivian
From You!
More importantly, this is a coalition of individuals and organizations, and we hope for people around the country to share their own story about My54. Make sure to use the #my54challenge hashtag!
Share our social squares and make them your own
We will post a collection of social squares on our feed with key messages, or interactive images that can be made personal in an Instagram Story
Take photos of you and your team , the sweatier the better!
Tell the world how much you’ve walked/run/biked!
Record a video and talk about what your intention is as you walk
Share your workout map and include the hashtag
Create physical or performance art!